
Before finishing my college degree, I have had some pit stops along the race. Two semesters, a total of one school year that I chose to let go and pass. It was a sound decision I made to ease some financial stretch for the family. My elder brother was due to graduate of his degree … Continue reading Roots

The Sound of Silence

During the two months school break, this falls on April and May, we spend the last week of April staying with our maternal grandparents. Together with my three brothers we are in the company of our Tatay and Nanay sharing dinners and helping them with everyday household chores. And the dreaded limited TV time. It … Continue reading The Sound of Silence

Indelible Memory: My Mother’s Life Tales

My mother's thinking have matured beyond her at such a young age. That's what I think, based on stories of her growing up in a big family. I would hear her whenever she injects some wisdom on us during some talks about life concerns that our minds too need some growing up. Need some maturing. … Continue reading Indelible Memory: My Mother’s Life Tales

Thirty and Thriving

As I read through this sweet greetings from my twin sis I am looking at the hanged clock on our wall. After each paragraph I spied the ticking of the second hand just because I am excited to reblog this on my platform, knowing that I am immensely thankful for having a dear best friend and now we are a tandem.

Calling ourselves twins even we are not physically not close even to being fraternal. Just that love of friendship has grown in us that it continues to bridge us in all the things that life throws at us.

Sweet, sweet, such sweet words to read these and to cap my birthday today.

Thank you so much twin s with all my fatty heart. All the love to you and your family. I astoundingly say to be here for you always and to all our dreams and adventures beyond.

PS This is quite a difficult novel post to top off. I’m just glad we are upping our memories through here.

Write Away

The first line of a paragraph is the hardest to write.  And here I am trying to come up with the best one without trying to sound strained.  I love birthdays and 30 is a milestone. I think there’s no other way to celebrate birthdays than to celebrate friendship with it.

I’ve known Farrell for almost two decades of my life and I guess it’s safe to say that our friendship goes a long way. We both grew up in a small town, studied in the same school, and became friends in grade school. But I will not bore you with our history anymore. Farrell is not just a friend, he’s my twin brother. He’s one of my son’s favorite uncle calling him, “Tito Fah.” He is one of my voices of reason. He is my person.

And as he celebrates thirty, I came up with a list of his…

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